Monday, March 25, 2013

Podcast #2

Well, here it is listeners, our second podcast finally arrived. In this episode, we interviewed Dustin Zamora, author of the story Katentania, published in Short Vine's 2011-2012 edition. He is now one of the fiction editor of Short Vine. We discuss the merits of dystopias and what it is like to be an editor.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Summoning Letters By Ben Walls

Writers, writers—hark ye sounds, announce thy
Encumbering minds. Let yon stationery,
Under quill’s spread, thus paint such phones. I vie
Ye then, noble ones—lurking visionary,
Where such genesis doth hide inside thee,
Crumple nor shun thy work, but bark pieces
In deservèd light; such is my decree.
Belles letters,  prosaic; white, lined creases:
Thine silence marks cold, Winter’s discontent,
Where words shrill, and hush, without chance to lark
truthful admission. Naught a compliment
Ranges where silence greets; thou must be stark.
Parry no longer art hidden away—
Share and exclaim, loudly now, on this day.